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ThingsBoard Edge

Distribute data processing and analysis using edge computing

Introducing ThingsBoard Edge CE and PE: Our software products specifically designed for edge computing

With ThingsBoard Edge, data analysis and management occur directly at the edge, right where the data is generated. Additionally, it offers seamless synchronization with the ThingsBoard server, aligning perfectly with your unique business needs. You have the flexibility to connect it to public ThingsBoard servers, such as or, as well as to your own Community Edition (CE) or Professional Edition (PE) on-premise installations.

Local Deployment and Storage

Process and store data from local (edge) devices independently of the server. Sync updates with the server once connectivity is restored.

Edge CEarrow firstarrow secondarrow third Edge PEarrow firstarrow secondarrow third
local deployment
data filtering

Data Filtering

Use the ThingsBoard Edge service to filter data from local (edge) devices and forward only a subset of data to the server for further processing or storage.

Edge CEarrow firstarrow secondarrow third Edge PEarrow firstarrow secondarrow third

Local Alarms

Respond instantly to critical situations on-site, even without connectivity to server.

Edge CEarrow firstarrow secondarrow third Edge PEarrow secondarrow third
local alarms
batch update

Batch Update and Visualization

Update thousands of edge configurations with a single click. Monitor local events and time series data using a real-time dashboard.

Edge CEarrow firstarrow secondarrow third Edge PEarrow firstarrow secondarrow third

More about ThingsBoard Edge strengths

Robust and Efficient

Robust and Efficient

A single Edge instance is capable of handling up to 1,000 devices, depending on the use-case and the capabilities of the deployed hardware.



The Edge system collects all messages and events in a persistent layer. Selected messages can be transferred to the server, as per necessity.



Enhancing functionality is effortless with our rule engine, alongside the ability to customize widgets and dashboards to your preference.



Distribute your computational tasks and data analysis across thousands of Edge instances for superior scalability.

Feature Comparison Matrix

ThingsBoard Server required (CE, PE or Cloud) checked checked
Data collection checked checked
Data processing checked unchecked
Asset management checked unchecked
End-user real-time dashboards checked unchecked
Rule Enginehelp checked unchecked
Real-time Analytics checked unchecked
Platform Integrationshelp checked unchecked
Multi-tenancy Support unchecked unchecked
Offline Operation on edge checked checked
(Limited to Data Collection)
Traffic Filtering on edge checked unchecked
Local Alarms on edge checked unchecked
Hardware Resources Usage Medium to Low Low
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